It's never boring at the lower dam in Hamilton. First off the fishings pretty good and when it does get slow there's always the "wildlife". Situated in downtown Hamilton and with a bike path running right behind it, in the typical hour your liable to see at least two or three teenagers dressed like extras from a bad vampire movie, two guys yelling at each other in Russian, at least one hottie rollerblading and scads of heavy middle aged women exercising (why the bigger the woman the tighter the clothes??? why, lord why??) If this wasn't entertaining enough in the last three days I also caught nine species of fish and saw one or two others caught.
Lets see, channel cat, carp, smallmouth bass, sauger, saugeye, buffalo, sucker, drum, and a nice shovelhead that hammered a plastic grub. Also I saw landed white bass and a largemouth but didn't catch any of those. On two days I saw a couple guys speaking with what I thought were African accents stringing up sauger and keeping them to eat, braver than me I guess. Most smallies were 10 to 14 inches but I caught one over three and saw a guy catch a gorgeous saugeye pushing five. I also hooked and landed a plastic lawnmower around six pounds. On light tackle in the current it put up quite a fight before finally sucumbing. If you go take plenty of guebs and jigheads, medium running crankbaits and some nightcrawlers. Oh and a video camera. Hang out there long enough and your bound to videotape something that will end up on TV. It might be America's Funniest Home Video or the Jerry Springer Show but who know it might just be a big fish....