Ohio outdoors, photography, fishing, hiking etc. Visit my website at www.stevenoutside.com
Monday, October 1, 2012
Fish Ohio Smallmouth
So I left work thursday night for a long weekend of Bowhunting with a bit of fishing thrown in. Little did I know it would end up a fishing trip with a bit of hunting thrown in. Sat was the first day of season so friday I stopped by scioto brush creek for three hours before heading out to my hunting cabin. Well Scioto Brush Creek looked nothing at all like our streams, you would think it hadn't rained there for months. Crystal clear. Its a stream that is not at all wader friendly even though its not very big. Not alot of places to get on the stream either. I hit it just below the covered bridge at Otway. I caught about a dozen smallies in no time though. I imagine that if you put in a canoe this would be the perfect smallie stream, miles and miles of stream all to yourself, all running through beautifull woods and farm country
The next morning I was up the tree about an hour before arrowing a big doe.
So after taking care of the deer my hunting trip turned into a fishing trip. That night sitting around the campfire I looked up to see a beautiful ring around the moon...
The next morning after trimming a few trees for treestands it was back to Scioto Brush Creek. This time I fished longer and must have caught thirty smallmouth all in the 8 to 14 inch range. Plus some gorgeous longeared sunfish that look like jewels.
I then hit Greenup Dam on the Ohio for a bit right at dark. I didn't catch anything right at the dam but a bit downstream on some huge rocks I caught a half dozen nice smallies on a crankbait and a gar.
Then another night of staring at the night sky and the campfire. The next day the forcast was for rain so I started back towards home and the Little Miami. Right away I caught a really nice smallmouth on a spinner.
There was another guy there fishing so I walked down and asked him to snap a photo. As he's taking the photo he says hey I know you... Your the guy on the Ohio Gamefishing forum that caught the giant goldfish. Yep, thats me, the giant goldfish guy. Nope not the guy thats got thirty deer with a bow or has two ten pound bass on the wall...nope I'm the giant goldfish guy. Everytime I'm the giant goldfish guy. Thanks OGF.
So I caught a few white bass and then a nice channelcat on a three inch plastic grub. I caught a hog nosed sucker and a quillback sucker too.
It started to rain a bit as I worked my way up to riffle I caught the nice smallie on earlier. In ten minutes I caught three smallies that probably averaged 15 inches and lost another so I knew tonight was going to something special. In the calm water across the river I kept seeing bass run minnows up on the bank and a couple times bust one on the surface so I switched to a pop-r. On the second cast a big fish nailed it. It jumped twice and then I could just see it open its mouth underwater and blow out the plug. I was shaking it was easily the biggest smallie I'd had on all year. I then decided you only get a chance or two like this all year I'm fishing till dark or a big fish, whichever comes first. I caught two nice smallies in the hole down below on a crankbait. Then a little bass on a spinner on the riffle below that. It was getting darker and raining a bit harder as I headed back up to the spot. Nothing. switched lures. Nothing. Then the pop-r back on, nope. I put the grub back on and hooked a buffalo. It was around ten pounds and I loosed the drag way up since it was six pound test. After babying the fish around forever it came off right as I was going to land it. I threw right back in the same spot and wham the rod bent double. I thought well I'm not going to baby this one since I lost the last one anyways. I leaned back on the rod a big smallie catapulted skyward! After a few very nervous moments I finally lipped this one without her getting off. After snapping a few photos I measured her carefully she was 5/8ths past the twenty inch mark! Its funny but if had actually landed the buffalo I'm not sure If I wouldn't have packed it in and headed home first...
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